What learners have to say about the course…

“My work journey with Toyin has been a positive one. Her referral and guidance have been instrumental in helping me to succeed as an admin virtual assistant. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with her and look forward to continuing to learn from her expertise.”

“Thanks to Toyin’s guidance and support, I have been able to effectively manage various administrative tasks, such as email management, and other organizational duties. Her mentorship and regular feedback have been invaluable in helping me to improve my skills and confidence in my role.”

“Toyin Viatonu Ltd has been proactive in identifying areas where I can provide additional support to the team, allowing me to take on new challenges and expand my skill set. Her willingness to provide guidance and support has played a crucial role in my professional growth and development.”

“"The course is very easy to understand and it’s concepts are easy to assimilate””

““I love the fact that the course has so much resources and is very practical helping me to develop the skill I need to excel””

Course Curriculum Snipets

    1. Welcome!

    2. The right VA mindset/habits required to succeed as an admin VA

    3. Role and responsibilities of an administrative virtual assistant

    4. Tools and technologies commonly used in virtual administration

    5. Quiz Time!

    6. Reflect! Reflect! Reflect!

    1. Effective communication skills for virtual assistants

    2. Written communication techniques for emails, chat, and documentation

    3. Time and Task Management

    4. Techniques for staying organized and minimizing distractions

    1. Managing virtual files and data using Google Drive

    2. Managing virtual files and data using Google Drive (2)

    1. Advanced search techniques for finding accurate and relevant information (Be Google Smart)

    2. Internet research: Informational research

    1. Planning and scheduling virtual meetings and events

    2. Setting up virtual meeting platforms (Google Meet)

    3. Setting up virtual meeting platforms (Zoom)

    4. Setting up virtual meeting platforms (Microsoft Teams)

    1. Inbox organization and email filtering strategies

    2. Managing multiple calendars and scheduling appointments

About this course

  • Free
  • 36 lessons


Start your journey to acquire valuable skills and unlock opportunities in the field of administration. I look forward to guiding you towards success!